Digital Transformation , User Experience , Analytics , Sitefinity

The Pitfalls of Operating Without a Customer Data Platform (CDP)

Author: Stuart Lane
July 01, 2024
In today’s hyper-competitive market, businesses need a deep understanding of their customers to maintain a competitive edge. A Customer Data Platform (CDP) is a vital tool that centralises customer data from various sources, offering a holistic view of each customer. 
In our journey as a Premium Sitefinity partner, we've consistently seen clients struggle to make the most of their customer data. This blog highlights the top seven challenges our clients face when they don't leverage customer data for insights and personalised experiences.

Challenge 1: 'I can't change the experience for those who provided me data' 

Many websites offer a one-size-fits-all experience, where the journey is identical for every user, regardless of their preferences or past interactions. While the content might be meticulously curated, its static nature fails to resonate with individual users. Personalisation is key in today's digital landscape, as users expect a tailored experience that addresses their specific needs and desires. Without leveraging customer data, websites fall short of providing this, resulting in a repetitive and low-value experience that can drive users away.
The impact of creating a unique journey will be that users will be more engaged with content on the website and  in turn will result in a increased conversion rate. The conversion rate of your website has the potential to skyrocket with the right use of customer data. 
There will also be an increase on customer loyalty with your brand and customers will feel understood and valued, and when they are faced with the right product at the right time.

Challenge 2: 'My digital experience doesn't adapt to important offline user interactions'

Websites often fail to integrate offline interactions into the digital experience. For example, if a user interacts with a brand offline—such as making a call, a purchase in a physical store or attending an event—this interaction is rarely reflected in their online journey. As a result, the website continues to treat them as new visitors or in their 'old' state, providing redundant information or overlooking their evolved needs.


Users will face a disjointed experience if the website does not remember who they are or their previous loyalty towards your brand. This will in turn result in potential loss of repeat customers due to the lack of personalisation follow up.



Challenge 3: 'I can't cross-sell or up-sell to existing customers on my website, or by email'

Leveraging customer data can significantly enhance cross-selling and up-selling opportunities. However, without this data, businesses cannot identify customers' previous purchases or interests to recommend complementary products. For instance, if a customer already bought an orange, the website should suggest other available fruits, but this requires knowledge of their purchase history.


This will impact a client's business growth by losing revenue opportunities from not suggesting additional products or services that complement the previous purchase. Customers may miss out on discovering new products that they might find valuable, and there is a reduction in sales effectiveness and lower customer lifetime value. 

Challenge 4: 'I can't retain customers with a value-added website experience'

Acquiring new customers is important, but retaining existing ones is often more cost-effective and beneficial in the long term. A personalised and value added experience can significantly improve customer retention. However, without leveraging data, businesses cannot differentiate between new and returning customers, failing to offer the tailored experiences that keep customers coming back.


Businesses are in high competition with users to grab attention and provide experiences tailored to them. Customers who don't feel listened to when visiting a website may look for better website experiences elsewhere. Users now look to build deeper relationships with brands and will often choose businesses with more personalisation features to spend their money on.



Challenge 5: 'My website users gave me their data already but I keep asking for it again and again'

Repeatedly asking users for the same information can create frustration and disrupt the user experience. Customers expect brands to remember their preferences and past interactions. Constantly requesting data can make the interaction feel impersonal and inconvenient, driving users away.


This will also in turn damage the brands reputation and professionalism. It will also drive users away from completing any forms on the website or sharing any personal information in the future. 

Challenge 6: 'I am sending emails from another platform but the website doesn’t know who they are'

A disconnect between marketing automation platforms and the website leads to inconsistent user experiences. Users may receive personalised emails that address them by name and reference past interactions, but when they visit the website, they encounter a generic experience that doesn't acknowledge this context.

This will also have an added effect on the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and it will effect engagement rates as users may not follow through with actions initiated through email.

Challenge 7: 'I know what my sales and retention funnel stages look like, but my website can't place users or move them on'

A well-defined sales and retention funnel is crucial for guiding users through their journey. Users may drop off at various stages from awareness to conversion and retention due to the lack of guidance and support from a website.  If the website cannot identify where users are in this funnel or help them progress, the funnel becomes ineffective.


Having a proper Customer Data Platform (CDP) in place will help prevent this and encourage users to make that all important conversion.  

Need to see a free on demand demo of a CDP + CMS solving these challenges?

Check out the recent webinar I delivered with Progress Sitefinity to see all of these challenges and pitfalls overcome by the user of Sitefinity combined with Sitefinity Insight as a CDP: Learn How to Harness your Data with your CMS



About Author
Stuart Lane
Stuart Lane

Managing Director, Head of Experience & Engagement at Appius.


Appius have spent over 20 years transforming digital experiences across multiple sectors.